It's no secret that Australians love property and for good reason. However, I often hear people say and I have to admit, I have said it in the past too, that the property market isn't accessible to the average person. And this is because to get into the property market, it requires an initial deposit amount, and this can be a barrier for a lot of people. The good news is that if you can put your head down and your bum up and get your first property. If you play your cards right and make educated decisions, it is certainly possible to grow your property portfolio. Today I would like to introduce you to the lovely Helen Collier-Kogtevs. Helen is an author, educator and property investor. She has had phenomenal success with building her own profitable portfolio. And for the past 15 years, she has also been helping others make a positive difference to their lives by teaching them how to build their own property portfolio through her mentoring programme.
Category: Season 2
47: What You Need To Know About Getting A Home Loan Approved with Obu Ramaraj
How do you get a home loan approved? What is the role of a mortgage broker and do you need one? Today I am bringing you Obu Ramaraj. Obu is a successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, experienced mortgage broker and CEO of Smart Money Solutions, she is joining us today to let us in on all the essential information to successfully get a home loan approved and explaining exactly what a mortgage broker does and why you might need one. You can listen to the episode above or read the following transcript.
46: When & Why You Need a Buyer’s Agent with Simon Pressley
There are lots of ways we can create money. One way that is very popular here in Australia is of course investing in property. Property investing isn't for everyone. But if you've ever wondered about how to get started investing in property and what exactly is involved, you're in luck because today on the show, I have head of research and Managing Director of Propertyology Simon Pressley on to talk to us all things property investing.
45: How To Crack The Property Market with Nicole Haddow
Can you have smashed avocado and buy a property too? Well, apparently you can if you make it at home and live with your parents for a little while. Nicole Haddow, journalist and author of Smashed Avocado joins us today to let us in on how she cracked the property market. Listen to the episode above or read the transcript below to learn how she cracked the property market and you can too.
44: Self Care on Steroids Through Wealth Creation
Today I want to talk about self care. We all know about going for a walk or taking a bath as a form of self care but what about financial self care? Self care through wealth creation. When I was a teenager, both my parents worked for themselves. And I remember my mum talking about how she WAS her business. That if she got sick, she still had to work because it was her doing the work and if she didn’t work she didn’t get paid. She used to drive all over regional Victoria doing facilitating and training. I think she earned decent money but it was at a cost. She was always busy and would get burnt out.
43: How Committed Are You To The Life You Want To Live?
I was in the shower this morning and I just couldn't stop thinking about this topic- how committed are you to the life that you want to live? It just kept repeating over and over in my head to the point where I said, ‘Louis, you've got to take the kids out for a walk because I have to record this podcast, I can't stop thinking about it’. The thought was triggered because I listened to a podcast about a different topic where they used an analogy about doctors. I want to tell you a story because it really got me thinking about my own life and my own journey, that's got me to where I am today. And also, to look forward to the future, where I want to go. And one of the things that occurred to me was how committed I am and my partner is to the life we want to live. This didn't happen overnight. The life that we want to live is not happening overnight. It's a process. But I wonder, do you think about how committed you are to the life that you want to live? Being committing to the life that you want to live; here's what I mean by this.
42: Thought Work & Money Part 3: Changing Beliefs
This is the last episode in a three-part series that I have been doing on thought work and money. These episodes are all about how coaching and thought work can help you create new results in your life. I'm sharing the main tools that I use in coaching. Now, there are hundreds of tools that I use when I'm working with my clients. But the main tools in thought work are The Model, thought downloads and learning how to change your thoughts to create new results in your life. This is the focus today. I'm going to talk to you about how to actually use thoughts to make change in your life. If you're serious about doing this work for yourself and you want to make changes in your life, I would strongly suggest getting a coach, you can reach out to me for that or reach out to any coach that resonates with you to work with.
41: Thought Work & Money Part 2: The Model
Today we are going to be talking about the Model. Last week, I started the first episode of a three part series all about thought work and money. I am a life coach and I work with women on how to create the extraordinary lives they want on purpose and the tools we use to create that are thought work tools. As a coach, I work with my clients and help them see their mind, see what they are creating in their life and then assist them to deliberately create what they actually want instead of just creating stuff unintentionally on default. This three part series is about introducing to you some concepts and tools that I use when I'm coaching my clients and they are tools that you can use as well if you practice them.
40: Thought Work & Money Part 1: Thought Download
If you're one of my longtime listeners/readers, and you've been following my journey, you know that when I started this podcast, I was working as a primary school teacher. Along the course of the past year, I have completely changed my career, and now work as a life coach. Day to day I coach women. I work from home and I coach them over the wonderful worldwide web using Zoom. I want to explain to you what life coaching is and what thought work is, and how it can help you with having more money? If you've never done any thought work before, or you've never had a life coach before, you might be wondering, how on earth does it all work? Well, over the next three weeks I’m going to share with you the main tool I use with my clients and give you some insight into how thought work works, and how you can apply it to change your life.
39: What No One Tells You About Anxiety and Money with Vikki Louise
Anxiety is a common emotion that most of us have experienced at some stage, if not on a regular basis. Do you ever feel worried or anxious about money? Do you worry that you don't have enough? Do you ever dream about starting a new business or asking for a raise, but your anxiety about that holds you back? Well, the good news is that the feeling anxiety and worry about money is optional. Today on the show, I have the lovely Vikki Yaffe from Vikki Louise coaching. Vikki is a life coach and host of the F*ck Anxiety and Get Sh*t Done podcast.
38: Do You Have The Capacity To Have Money?
I was listening to a coaching call recently and the women getting coached had just inherited a sum of money. Now you wouldn’t think there would be any reason to have a problem with this but in this case she did. She had no idea what to do with the money. She expressed worry and fear about not knowing how to use the money correctly or know exactly what she should use it for. Dealing with a large sum of money felt foreign to her and she was afraid she would do the wrong thing and lose it all. The problem this woman had is the same issue that many of us have without even realising it. The problem is: she does not have the capacity to have money. Unfortunately, because of unintentional indoctrination from what we learn growing up many of us have this same issue and don’t even know it. We get money, we spend money. We get money and we find something to do with it straight away. We don’t hold onto money.
37: Take Your Side Hustle Full Time and Sell With Ease with Lizzie Vince
Do you have a side hustle? I think many of us have learned from the recent current events that having more than one form of income is definitely advantageous. It's becoming more and more common to have a side hustle. But what if you want to take your side hustle full time? How do we do it? Well, today I have Lizzie Vince from Find Your Mojo Coaching on to help us take our side hustle full time and sell with ease.