129: Let go of the good to make room for the great
Can you let go of what is good in your life to welcome in something great? Leaning into self-trust and believing in your goal when you have no evidence that what you want to create is possible may feel like the opposite of what you want to do but it is exactly what you need to do to create your full and expansive life. Join me for the last episode of the season as I share the personal journey I am on right now of letting go of what is good in my business to step into what is great.
128: The result formula
Ever feel like your big dreamy goals are unreasonable? Out of your reach? You have no idea how to create them, hence, reaching them feels near impossible. Well, stick with me because I am going to give you a little formula for how to get the results that you want. It is simple. It's easy to remember, and I'm going to take you through it on the episode today.
127: Not feeling like you belong? A common money block and how to overcome it
Ever feel awkward fitting in at business or social events? Whether online or in real life, meeting new people, going to events or participating in groups can be awkward, intimidating or even scary. Having the ability to show up in business, meet people and show up like an authentic human making real connections can make a huge difference to your bottom line.
126: The solution to your problem is a learnable skill
Pretty much every obstacle standing in the way of you and your dream money and life goals is a learnable skill. Do you know how awesome that is? Because once you really take that on board, that the only thing in the way is a skill you can learn, creating your money and life goals is completely available to you.
125: How to let making money be fun & easy
Do you believe you have to work hard to make money? For most of my life I believed that making money comes from hard work. You have to be really smart and work really hard. Sound familiar? If this is your belief too I want to invite you to listen to today’s episode. I’m sharing how I have turned this belief on its head and have learned how to let making money be fun and easy.
124: Are you prioritising money over your personal health and wellbeing?
So here's a question for you; Are you prioritising money over your wellbeing? This is a thing that many of us do. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are quite possibly doing this. You are probably doing it unconsciously, and don't even realise. Today on the show I’m going to share my experiences with prioritising money over my wellbeing to help you. If you have a little dig around in what you're doing too and look at your behaviours, you might be surprised!
123: Unleashing: Becoming more YOU with Alana Schramm
Learning how to become yourself is really everything. What is the purpose of your life if not to become more you? To make all of the things, all of the container that you put yourself in, whether it's your business, or your relationships, or whatever it may be, a beautiful reflection or a safe place for you to just be yourself. That is a worthy life. Today intuition and subconscious mindset coach, Alana Schramm joins me to discuss how we can lean into being MORE of ourselves and tap into our B.V. energy, so we can show up in the world as our most badass selves.
122: The secret benefits of celebration. Do this one thing, then sit back and watch your goals creates.
When you've never created the goal that you want to create before, it can feel impossible, it can feel ridiculous. It can feel like something that's never going to happen. Am I right? There is one thing that you can do that will shift the needle in your belief in you and you achieving the goal. It’s celebrating your wins. Yes. All your wins, big and small. This is a game changer. Listen to the episode to find out why it is so important to celebrate your wins and how you can do it.
121: Everybody benefits when you make more money
Making more money or even just having the desire to make more money can be very triggering for some. It can bring up feelings of shame, guilt or unworthiness to name a few. One big obstacle that often comes up for women when they're pursuing their money and life goals, is somehow, somewhere along the lines they have connected making money with something negative and something bad. It can manifest in thoughts or ideas like people won't like you if you make more money, that it will create separation between you and your loved ones. A belief I have found to be very helpful to combat this is ‘everybody benefits when I make more money’. Today I’m sharing about why you might want to take on this belief too and how it can help you.
120: What is BV Energy & how can you use it to create your money goals?
When it comes to your life, the money and lifestyle you dream about, do you know what you really want? Do you believe you are worthy of having it? If you’re not sure or don’t know this episode is definitely for you. I’m sharing about what BV energy is. How you can tap into it, and how you can embody it to create your goals.